Couch Shredders with Julia Krass

Couch Shredders with Julia Krass

1. What has training/practice been looking like for you during lockdown?

Luckily, I have a home gym setup, so I have been working out a lot at home and trying to get creative with ways to stay in shape. I go for a lot of bike rides as well which has been a fun way to get outside and enjoy the warmer weather.

Julia Krass exercising

2. How are you staying entertained at home?

I am taking 4 online classes right now, so my day is mostly filled up with school which is a great way to stay busy. Beyond that, I've been trying to cook and bake a lot more than I have in the past which has been great entertainment. I'm also living with both of my brothers so we will go on walks throughout the day and we've been playing a lot of Settlers of Catan, probably too much.

Julia Krass outside

3. What are you most looking forward to after this is over?

After this is all over I am just so excited to hang out with friends. I have been able to see a few people from a distance, but it will be so amazing to all get together and have some laughs.

4. Do you have a favorite activity you would recommend to others?

I definitely recommend Settlers of Catan, a great game to pass the time. But as the weather starts to get nicer, I think it's important that everybody gets some time outside, so I would say biking has been my favorite activity and it's a great way to social distance as long as you aren't crowding the trail heads!

Julia Krass by water

5. If you could send a message to the world right now, what would it be?

If I could send one message to the world, I would tell everyone to always make the most of the situation you are in. I know this is affecting people in a variety of different ways and making the most of it might be much easier said than done, but that is truly all we can do right now. I never thought I would be able to live with both of my brothers again, so I have really been trying to make the most of our time together and find ways to stay entertained and busy.


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