1. What has training/practice been looking like for you during lockdown?
I have been spending a lot of time on my trampoline and slacklines, working on new tricks and balance almost every day. I also use a fitness app to complete a workout every day.
2. How are you staying entertained at home?
When it snows, I set up a rail to practice in my yard. I have been trying new things on my slacklines, hiking, and baking a lot more.
3. What are you most looking forward to after this is over?
I am most looking forward to hanging out with friends and family after this is over. I also can’t wait to get my skis back on and go to a few camps this summer.
4. Do you have a favorite activity you would recommend to others?
I would recommend baking and trying new recipes. I like trying substitutions and experimenting with them.
5. If you could send a message to the world right now, what would it be?
I hope everyone is doing their best to stay happy and safe while enjoying quality family time. :)